The Kingston Bible Trust is a Charitable organisation founded in 1973 following the closure of the Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot.
Our purpose is to provide for the increase and improvement of Christian knowledge and the spread of the Gospel, and in particular for the printing and publication of Bibles and other Christian literature for distribution at cost price or less.
We supply Bibles and Christian literature to customers in many countries of the world, and we also have a small fund for the free distribution of a range of items to some persons dedicated to Gospel work in African countries, and to individuals who genuinely cannot afford to buy books.
We are publishers of the Darby Bible, which is a translation by John Nelson Darby from the original languages, made towards the end of the nineteenth century, and which is regarded by many as one of the most accurate English translations available. There are many translator’s footnotes which are a great help in understanding the meaning and significance of the original languages, and a valuable Preface outlining the purpose and method of the work, and giving instances of his desire for accuracy where the Authorised Version (greatly respected by him) was ambiguous or gave a wrong meaning.
A fuller account of his translation, including a brief summary of the books of the Old and New Testaments, is given in An Introduction to the Bible, available separately.
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